Monday, May 08, 2006

Celebrity Wannabe

So I'm coming out of the locker room this morning, fiddling with my MP3 player. Talking myself out of getting another one, not that the one I have needs replacing. It's just that a small part of me is a slavish consumer. Like everyone else. Anyway, it's right about here that I had tuned into this conversation between a gym member and a personal trainer.

Member: "I want to be celebrity chick hot."
Personal Trainer (PT): "What does that mean to you?" I stop and act as though I'm picking out a magazine, while noticing that our budding celebrity is, well, portly.

Member: "You know, like everyone thinks the celebrity girls are hotties, you know? I want that."
PT: Searching for anything to say at this point. "Okay, but you understand that most are unhealthy looking, right?"
Member: Blank stare. "I don't care about health. It's about to be Summer and I want to look hot in about 6 weeks like the magazines say I can do."

This woman is firmly planted in her 40's.

PT: "Ads are not necessarily truthful, you know."
Member: Impatient stare.

PT: "Okay, well, we can get you started on a fat loss program."

Leaving the magazine collection without selecting anything,--surprise, surprise--I couldn't help but think this woman watches too much TV.

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