Sunday, May 28, 2006

BBQ'd Phone Call

"What's up, Trev?"

"Nada damn thing," he says, "What's up for this weekend? You holding the annual BBQ or what?"

I look at Sam, who's is not a fan of being awakened by ringing phones or alarm clocks.

"Hey, I forgot about this weekend. Are we having people over again?"

"If you want," she says through thinly veiled agitation. "We'll have to go to the store and grab food and beverages."

She's a true sport. I'm not sure what I did to deserve her, or what she may have done to end up with me, but I'm sure analysis would jinx it.

Uncovering the phone I say, "Yeah, we're doing the BBQ and all that again." Thinking the reason he's calling is because we haven't sent out the invitation.

"Cool. Don't want it to look like I'm inviting myself or anything, I was just wondering."

"My ass." I said. "You invited yourself and you don't give a shit." We laughed. "I guess I'd better get this whole thing organized."

"Yeah, you have a whole 48 hours."

"Thanks for the reminder." I chuckled. "I need to send out some Email invites, I guess."

Now it was his turn to chuckle. "Randy and Eddie are sitting here. And Randy is on the phone with Kevin right now."

"Am I that predictable?"

"No, I'm that sexy."

"Sounds like you've misplaced your Y chromosome," I say

We laugh and hangup.

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