Monday, July 31, 2006

Now What?

Then suddenly you wake up one morning and you don't have shit to do. You studied for weeks-- months. Then, you go to an awesome hotel resort and forget it all. And, then, there you are. 5:30AM and you're wondering what to do with the day. Now what? Then suddenly you wake up and realize you need a job. That's what's "now what." I've decided that "now what"s suck.

It seems that I'm forever thinking, or saying, "If I could just get this (whatever "it" is), then everything will be cool." Then, I get it and find out that it sucks. Not sucks like cancer or anything else terminal. But just sucks like a summer cold.

So here I sit, sipping coffee and pouring through the job postings on and Monster. Once again thinking, "If I could just get a job to hold me over until I get my bar results, everything will be cool." But it won't. I'll get some job and it will suck in some "itch in the back of your throat" kinda way. Then, I'll sit there at that job, wallowing in all of it's sucking glory and wonder, "Now what?" Maybe the key to happiness and continued satisfaction is to appreciate right here and right now. Or just accept that some things are supposed to suck. They are doing exactly what they are supposed to do, and I should just accept it--and leave it. Who knows?

Maybe I should just end this twaddle right here.


Anonymous said...

Dude, you're waiting for bar results?

Maybe it sucks now, but it will only get better. At least, that's what I tell myself.

Simon said...

Yeah, I just sat for the Colorado bar last Tuesday and Wednesday. Results aren't going to be posted for a couple of months, which is absurdly rude.