Saturday, July 29, 2006

Broadmoor Samadhi

Zen. It's something that I practice daily and live my life by. I think the Broadmoor Hotel Resort in Colorado Springs is the rich man's Zen. I left there with a renewed appreciation for the things that matter in life, or, more importantly, recognized what doesn't matter.

Over an exam. I was stressed like an air traffic controller on 9/11 over an exam. What a fool. Shit like an exam doesn't matter. I will pass, either this time or next. And it won't matter then, either.

Social conventions and institutions don't matter. In the least. All of our preening and posturing for the Jones'. Unimaginably silly. All our concerns about what people think of us. Profoundly retarded.

Funny, though, among all of that tranquility and understanding waiting to be understood, materialism and stupidity abounded. I loved it anyway.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, if only we could remember that the stuff we worry about isn't all that important at the time. We can try.

Simon said...

That and follow breaths.

Anonymous said...


I really enjoyed reading your blog. its hard to find a well written blog like this one. in fact if i were you i would go to and submit this blog and let thousands of others see it for free. i will look forward to all the updates. thanks again'


Simon said...


Thanks for the comments, advice and stopping by.