Monday, June 12, 2006

Nothing In Particular

A trip home on Friday blew an entire day of studying. So I spent most of the day trying to make up for lost time. Not that you ever make up for time, or sleep. Once they're gone, they're gone. I guess it's just another strange idiomatic expression meaning "playing catch up." I was definitely playing from behind today. But 9 hours later, and I think I'm just about on schedule.

Well, more or less 9 hours. I chatted with some of the crew online. You never realize how much time you can spend screwing around online. Incredible, really. Coronary inducing for employers all across the land.

Makes you wonder. Attorneys are always bitching and moaning about working long hours. If they actually worked 8-9 hours a day, maybe the whinge quotient would fall, precipitously. Precipitously. That's a big word for a guy working on his third scotch. Johnnie Walker to be exact.

Tomorrow I plan to plunge headlong into Family Law, or Domestic Relations. Depending on where you're standing. Geography notwithstanding, it's some of the most depressing shit you ever want to commit to memory. Divorce, child custody, pettiness and spitefulness. You get the idea. Running a blade across your wrist might start to look like a good idea after a few years of that shit. And I don't mean the inept melodramatic horizontal swipe that so many engage in. No, I'm talking about the dead serious vertical swipe. More attorneys in that field take the big plunge more often than one might realize. Fucked up.

Anyways, you know how you always hear about how great a show is--usually from the network--but you've never watched it? Well, not only have I been sitting here typing this morbidly insipid post and sipping some J. Dubya, but I've also been watching The Closer. That show gets no fucking love. A floater. Surprising that the network fat cats would allow that to decompose on prime TV real estate.

My glass is empty.

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