Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Let's Try This Again

I would hate to develop a reputation as someone who has a remarkable penchant for stating the obvious, but I haven't posted on this blog in a while. What can I say? I set it up to chronicle my workout regimen and then I contracted an acute case of Lazybastarditis. Yep, that was me: Studying for admission to the Colorado Bar Association, eating whatever is handy, and, to top it all off, I lost the directions to the gym (not really, just didn't go). In short, fat and happy. Well, fatter. But hell yeah I was happy! Except for that studying garbage. I thought I was going to go out of my mind. Worse, it's possible I could be doing that garbage again. Oh well, it could be worse. I could find myself being held hostage on a bus that, if its speed falls below 55 MPH, it would blow up. Oh, sorry. That was a bad mid-90's movie flashback.

Anyway, what I discovered while recovering from lazybastarditis is that I loathe the deprivation that accompanies shedding a few pounds of, er, "energy." Seriously, folks. Open any "fitness" magazine and you will see a meal plan that resembles the Survivor diet. Pass. Egg whites and salad with no dressing. I think that qualifies as Draconian.

I decided that I would not, under any circumstances, starve myself. Nope. Low-carb? Do you know your brain functions solely on glucose, which is the sugar that is rendered from carbs? So you can have all of the low-carb thing you want, too. I have no interest. Instead, the past two weeks I have worked out and just eaten a balanced diet.

Now, let's be clear here. By "workout" I mean that I perform some cardio (30-60 minutes) six days a week and I lift three days a week. There's no John Edwards crap here. Eat right, do some card and lift and let's see what pans out.

So far, after two weeks, here is what I have:

I began my little experiment at a weight of 214 pounds. A waist measurement of 35.5. My body fat percentage, according to Accu-Measure, was 11.5

Now, after two weeks, I am at a weight of 212. A waist of 34 and my body fat percentage reads 9.7. Not bad; I'll take it.

I am not going to go into what I have been eating the last two weeks, and this is the middle of the third week, but, going forward I will let you know what I am eating. But, to summarize, I just stay away from the Usual Culprits. You know, burgers and fries, pizza, etc. Oh, and I usually have some drinks. No over indulgence, but no deprivation, dammit. So, this little experiment started around the beginning of March and we will see what progress I make through the end of the month. It should be interesting to see what happens.

One last thing, I am not going to make this just a place where I talk about my working out/eating habits. I'll talk about whatever here, but I will chronicle my exploration into the premise "you have to starve yourself to lose fat." I'm calling bullshit, but we will see. I need to get some pics taken, too. I'll work on that.

Anyway, that is all I have today. See ya tomorrow.

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