Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not U2, But I'm So Sick Of It!

As it turns out, I'm really sick of McCain's campaign ads and speeches. None of them have a single redeeming quality. They're rife with personal attacks, sensationalistic language, and quotes that have been taken out of context in order to distort the opposition's stance. This isn't what he promised as a presidential candidate.

Both candidates promised campaigns that would be conducted with class, civility, and dignity. Attributes that should be a given when campaigning for the presidency. Yet McCain departed from this promise in an almost grotesque manner.

In the waning days of the campaign trail McCain has resorted to some despicable themes in his speeches and ads. He has painted the Democratic nominee, Barack Obama, as a socialist, a terrorist, a radical, a Muslim, and anti-American. All volatile, dangerous, and irresponsible accusations. All in pursuit of the presidency.

Being President of the United States requires gravitas, dignity, diplomacy , judgment,and class. These are all words and concepts conspicuously absent from The Oval Office the last eight years with predictable results. Yet John McCain promises change if elected. Change isn't what you hear and see when listening to his speeches or ads. I ain't making it up.

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