Thursday, November 16, 2006


Antipathetic. That's the only way to describe my feelings about diets. By diets I mean abstaining from foods I enjoy. By diet I mean deprivation and conjuring up Draconian measures,like not eating an entire segment of macro-nutrients (i.e. carbohydrates). But perhaps the way we think of the word "diet" is the problem.

It's rare that we use the word "diet" in any way other than to warn those around us that we may fly into a fit of stabbing and slashing at any second. And for no other reason than we're starving. Nothing personal. Just a little starving. Just a little starving because I can't have this. Oh, I can't have that. Oh, I'm on the Atkins. Oh, I'm on the South Beach. Oh, all that can go to hell.

Listen: when we think of the word "diet" we shouldn't think of a caloric intake that would emaciate a hummingbird. Instead, we should think of changing what we eat day after day. No more drive-thru trans fat trips. Instead, we eat foods from a healthier selection. And eat lots of those foods. But don't get me wrong. If turning yourself into a parody by way of starvation sounds like fun, I'll laugh.

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