Monday, April 13, 2009

Mindless Monday

I slapped the hell out of my alarm clock this morning. Not because it went off at 4AM, I expected that part. I didn’t expect Ill Bill to be screaming the lyrics to “War Is My Destiny” over hard driving bass and drum lines, though. The cacophony yanked me from sleep, and as I tossed off the covers my sole thought was, “Kill whatever that is; kill it before it kills you.” With that, I almost broke my Sony Dream Machine. This amusing, near-coronary-inducing moment was brought you by lack of mindfulness.

Mindfulness involves freeing the mind from thoughts of the past, future, or some other disconnected irrelevant thought and focusing solely on the present moment, thoughts, and actions. I wasn’t mindful when setting my iPod. So instead of waking to either classical or jazz music, which is the norm, it was a song from one of my workout playlists. A song designed to get me through that last mile on a run, or help me churn out that last rep. Frightening, comical, and educational. I ain’t making it up.

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