Tuesday, September 05, 2006


The only reason that comes to mind is vanity. I'm unabashedly vain. Sure, maybe I'm staying healthy for my kids. Except I don't have kids, and none on the horizon. Or perhaps I just want to stay healthy and live a long life. That can't be it; I'm still young enough to think I'm invincible. I guess that leaves vanity.I can't think of any other reason to be driving to the gym before God is awake. Not only am I driving to the gym, I'm also looking forward to an hour of the self-inflicted flagellation we call working out.

Don't look at me like that. Vanity isn't a character flaw if I tell you I'm vain. It's similar to Kurt Vonnegut telling you "All the truths I'm about to tell you are shameless lies." Or, if I tell you it's a rip-off, it's not a rip-off. I'm admitting it. Unlike people who say they don't watch TV, or didn't vote for Bush, I'm not lying to you. Not that I lie awake at night worrying about what you think of me.

Of course, it shouldn't surprise anyone that I have something of an ego. Not only do I have a blog, which is one of the more narcissistic venues available, but I also told you as much in my profile. Oooppps, didn't mean to ruin your fun.

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