Sunday, April 30, 2006

All Over

Walking by the calendar I realize that April has just about come to a close. This corporeal inquiry into the conventional wisdom that reigns in the fitness industry has come to a close. You know what? I didn't deprive myself, take any fat burners or order an Ab Roller. Nope. All I did was just eat sensibly. That began by elminating fast food from my diet. No McTrash, Toxic Hell or anything related. That's not to say I didn't eat burgers or Mexican food, I just ate them at home. Oh, and I ate carbs! Egads!! Not crabs!!Yes, carbs. And I am leaner and heavier than I was when I began all of this. So you know what that means, don't you?

That's right, I get to call bullshit. The fitness industry is a billion dollar a year industrial parasite living off your insecurities and desire for a quick fix. Just let go. Let go of the notion that there is a quick fix. Let go of the notion that you can't possibly be the sole authority in your life. Let go of the notion that you can't lose the fat you want to lose without the help of others. Just let go. I did and today I am 215 pounds, 6.5 percent bodyfat at 6'2". Hell, I even ate homemade pizza sometimes.

But nevermind that. You are going to have put in some hard work and exercise some discipline. But one thing is clear: You can do it and you don't need revolutionary prefabricated meals, scientifically proven fat burners, or a piece of plastic exercise equipment specifically designed to target your abdominals in a unique and special manner. None of that bullshit. All you need is commitment. You commit yourself to losing fat. You commit to eating balanced, healthy meals. You commit to no excuses. And that is all you need. Wow. I am starting to sound like a cheddar challenged motivational speaker. So I am going to end this post. Talk to you later.

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