Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Colorado Blizzard

Anal glaucoma. I can't see my ass going outside in this weather. This is the thing. Colorado is beautiful and some of the best weather in the country. But every few years, we get dumped on. We're supposed to get anywhere from 12-20 inches. And 3-4 feet in the mountains. The timing couldn't be worse. Friday we're supposed to drive 600 miles home for Christmas. Yea, the roads should be clear by the time we head back, but they won't be. An annoying little fact about Colorado. When it comes to clearing the roads after a blizzard, they lack that certain frenetic energy. So waiting until Saturday, early morning, to make the pilgrimage seems like a better idea. Of course, Samantha doesn't find traveling on inhospitable roads as unsettling. Well, she might, but potential carnage be damned. We're going home on the scheduled date. I'm not an ardent supporter of slavishly adhering to a schedule. Oh well. I'll be working from home today. So maybe I'll write some more later. I ain't making it up.

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